The Cannlytics API

The Cannlytics API allows users to seamlessly integrate with all of the functionality that Cannlytics has to offer. The Cannlytics API endpoints are simply an interface to the logic implemented in the cannlytics module. The API endpoints handle authentication, error handling, and identifying the precise logic to perform.

API Endpoints

Endpoint Methods Description
\analyses GET, POST, DELETE Manage analyses.
\analytes GET, POST, DELETE Manage analyses.
\areas GET, POST, DELETE Manage areas.
\certificates GET, POST, DELETE Manage certificates of analysis.
\contacts GET, POST, DELETE Manage your contacts.
\data GET Get the public data that you need, including data of labs, states, regulations, and cannabis strains.
\instruments GET, POST, DELETE Manage instruments.
\inventory GET, POST, DELETE Manage inventory items.
\invoices GET, POST, DELETE Manage invoices.
\organizations GET, POST Manage organizations.
\projects GET, POST, DELETE Manage projects.
\results GET, POST, DELETE Manage results.
\samples GET, POST, DELETE Manage samples.
\stats GET, POST Get, create, or update statistics.
\traceability GET, POST, DELETE Manage interactions with your state traceability system.
\transfers GET, POST, DELETE Manage transfers.
\users GET, POST Manage user data.
\waste GET, POST, DELETE Manage your controlled waste.

Get Started with the Cannlytics API

Start making requests to the Cannlytics API by following these 3 quick steps.

  1. First, create a Cannlytics account.
  2. Second, create an API key in the Cannlytics Console.
  3. Finally, you can begin making requests to the Cannlytics API by sending your API Key in an Authorization: Bearer <token> header in your requests.

Read the API Documentation

The Cannlytics API provides an interface to programatically receive samples, perform analyses, collect and review results, and publish certificates of analysis (CoAs).