PBZ, It's easy as 1, 2, 3 - Why access to data matters | Cannabis Data Science #120

🧑‍🌾 Join the meetup as we uncover traces of a banned pesticide, PBZ, proliferating in the markets in Washington State. We advocate for open data, reasoning that access to knowledge may be the best way to ensure public safety and encourage responsible cultivation practices. We aim to put the incentive in the right place, deter malpractice, enhance market competition, and promote honesty between labs simply by asking one question: "Can I see my lab results?" 🤝 Join the fun, data wrangling, and analytics in the Cannabis Data Science meetup, every Wednesday at 8:30am PST | 10:30am CDT | 11:30am EST. https://www.meetup.com/cannabis-data-science/ 🧑‍💻 Find the data and source code: https://github.com/cannlytics/cannabis-data-science 💸 Support the group: https://opencollective.com/cannlytics-company 🔥 Check out Cannlytics: https://cannlytics.com

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