Welcome to the Jungle Boys - Cannabis Brand Sentiment with AI | Cannabis Data Science #72

🌴 Welcome to the dark understory of the cannabis industry. Join as we explore intensity and polarity by user, strain, and brand, searching for valuable insights that may help us understand cannabis user preferences and behavior. 📊 Leveraging strain reviews, this intriguing analysis employs SIA (the Sentiment Intensity Analyzer) to rank review intensity and classify polarity. By providing a comprehensive view of user sentiments towards strains and brands, this example offers valuable insights into how you can study user preferences and brand reputation. The methodology guides you through a step-by-step setup process and data preparation for natural language processing (NLP). Ultimately, this exploration demonstrates the power of NLP to potentially determine users' favorite strains and a brand's favorability. You can walk away with a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between user sentiment, strains, and brands in the cannabis industry. 🌿 Get the strain review data: https://cannlytics.page.link/reported-effects 🤝 Join the fun, data wrangling, and analytics in the Cannabis Data Science meetup, every Wednesday at 8:30am PST | 10:30am CDT | 11:30am EST. https://www.meetup.com/cannabis-data-science/ 🧑‍💻 Find the data and source code: https://github.com/cannlytics/cannabis-data-science 💸 Support the group: https://opencollective.com/cannlytics-company 🔥 Check out Cannlytics: https://cannlytics.com

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